Big farm mobile harvest tipps
Big farm mobile harvest tipps

Up to ECO 8.3, the player community still largely clings to a general concept of farming as part of the “food industry,” where foodstuffs (raw foods) are gathered and are then finally processed by a chef to be consumed (alternatively, are processed individually by the end user with basic charring methods at a campfire). Also, because one produces in anticipation of others’ needs where one never really knows what tomorrow would bring, the excess over time raises that level of expectation, so collectively we build bigger and greater things. Because one only has to do one job, they can spend more time dedicated to it, rather than have to take care of other things, and be distracted with worry and time going from one job to the next. However, the game specifically uses the term “collaboration” rather than “difficulty” levels precisely of this difference: To many players, limiting the amount of skills and attributes one can acquire is a hindrance, but the game tries to convince otherwise: To specialize is to empower one to making a greater whole. The idea of rulership, specialization of tasks and skills all came from the monumental project of planning, plotting, measuring, and running the task of growing the crop that will sustain enough food for all around the year, and then some more.Īnd that “some more” is what we will discuss in ECO terms today.ĮCO is a game that speaks of its “difficulty” in terms of limiting the functions of an individual from doing various tasks: The higher the supposed difficulty, the less professions or skills one can acquire over the course of a specific period of time. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.Īgriculture is one of the key technologies that led to human sedentary living, next to the discovery of fire, which not only led to the fundamental natural science discoveries of biology and chemistry, but also the social technology of specialization and hierarchy.So what is a farmer, but to perpetuate the stuff found and to work as the bottom rung of that social ladder?.Even the chef, with its gleaming stoves and steaming ovens was a testament to technology mastering over the biological matter gathered from the world. Or, be part of the team of hardened dwarves who dug the rock beneath, which became the homes, roads, and metal that form the physical shapes of society. In a collaborative game of ECO, there is no greater glory than be the electrical engineer - the savior of the world, by building the laser and all its accoutrements, and then shooting down the meteor with it. Shennong, the Divine Farmer wonders why you have such a narrow perception of his job. The usual misconceptions of farming and high collaboration Farmer and Farmhand: Division of Tasks in a High-Collaboration Setup.

Big farm mobile harvest tipps