I say this even though I personally don’t care much about a component’s appearance. It looks even better on my component stand than it looks in its promo glamour shots. One look at the picture will convince you. The first “appetizer” is that the Oracle CD 2500 is one of the most stunning pieces of audio art that I have seen. Prepare To Consult The Oracleīefore I start on the “meat” of the review – the part that describes the CD 2500’s musical qualities – a few “appetizers” are in order. One of components is the Oracle CD 2500 CD player, the subject of this review.

Of course, you audiophiles know that Oracle is a Canadian maker of high end audio components, including the Delphi turntable, the Temple phono stage, and a range of fabulously-designed and revealing amps and digital front ends. In classical Greece, the pre-eminent oracle operated at the temple of Apollo at Delpi, and was named Pythia -ever hear anyone comment that someone made a “pithy” statement? This oracle exerted considerable influence throughout Hellenic culture, and the Greeks consulted her prior to all major undertakings. In Greek mythology, prophesies or advice often came from the gods, as spoken through another object or life-form. You older (and, I hope, wiser) folks know that an “oracle” is an entity that is a source of wise counsel or prophecy, usually supernatural in nature. You youngsters out there may think that Oracle is the name of a database management system, and the name of the company that owns and sells it.