Igo power smart wall review
Igo power smart wall review

igo power smart wall review

When it's off, all associated devices will be turned off as well. When the master outlet is on, power is supplied to the controlled outlets. For instance, the ZuniDigital Green Surge Protector ($30) consists of three types of outlets - controlled, master, and constant.

  • There are also a host of surge protectors that allow you to control multiple devices at once.

    Likewise for the PC and its printers and speakers.


    So for instance if you get the TV one, it will turn off the TV and all its associated peripherals including things like DVD players and game consoles.

  • TrickleSaver products ($10) are geared to different appliances - one specifically for the TV and one for the PC.
  • The IntelliPlug has a bunch of different sockets - so for example, on the TV version, you put the TV into the Master socket, accessories that always need to stay on like the DVR into the Always On socket, and those that will go off with the TV, like surround sound, into the Peripherals outlet. You can buy one for TV and audio equipment, one for desktops, and/or one for laptops).
  • OneClick IntelliPlug ($TBD) will automatically turn off standby power to an appliance and its associated devices.
  • If you're looking to cut the power to an entire system such as all TV/audio or computer components, there are standby solutions specifically geared for this purpose.
  • Bracketron GreenZero ($25-30) will soon be offering a wide variety of eco-friendly chargers for specific at-home appliances that will eliminate the standby consumption of power.
  • Unfortunately I haven't found it in the US yet.
  • In addition to loving the name, I find the Energenie a very convenient vampire fighter! It offer lots of flexibility, as it can automatically cut current when devices go in to standby, after a half hour, or via the remote or by timer.
  • And a handy LED alerts you when it's time to turn an appliance off. With the flip of a switch you control whether or not current flows. Think of it as a single-outlet power strip.
  • OnPlug is another super easy-to-use device.
  • After a week or so of gathering usage data, it will provide a suggested schedule of when it should control the power supply to an electricity-leeching appliance based on when it is most frequently used.

    igo power smart wall review

    It features a unique built-in-wireless system that tracks and monitors the electricity needs of an appliance from a specific outlet and transfers its findings to an app or the Internet where you can communicate with the system. Media Platforms Design TeamThe ThinkEco Modlet ($50) will turn power to an appliance off when it's not needed. I've found several solutions to help you keep these electrical vampires from "sucking blood" out of your monthly budget for good. While the government and manufacturers are taking steps to reduce standby power draw, there are steps you can take at home. Energy used by plugged-in products like cell phone chargers, computers, and, the biggest offenders, televisions, can easily add up on your electrical bill at the end of the month, leaving you with a sudden impulse to chuck your big screen out the window. Most government and industry studies find that about 10% of total daily energy consumption is due to phantom loads. Phantom power (aka vampire power or standby power) is the energy drain that occurs when your appliances are in standby mode - power that is used when they are supposedly off or not performing their primary function but are still charged in, such as when your phone is fully charged but remains in its charger.

    igo power smart wall review

    A large culprit in wasted energy in homes is "phantom power".


    I highlighted lots of new appliances geared to save you mental and physical energy! But if you're not in the market to upgrade your appliances, there are still lots of great ways to save on energy used by the appliances you already own. Showcased at this year's Consumer Electronics Show. Recently I discussed new and exciting home automation tools

    Igo power smart wall review